For my last class EDU 697- Capstone Class, it's all about changing past assignments and making them to fit a certain criteria. This week is about ethics and technology and what better way to show this than a blog. Because there are so many issues that can arise from putting information in the internet. Because I only used this blog spot for certain classes it wasn't kept up. But there are things on here about privacy and the use of technology. I would say this assignment definitely seems to focus around Gagne's Theory of Instruction. The reason I chose this principle is because it's about gaining attention, informing learners, stimulating them, presenting the stimulus, providing learning guidance, providing feedback, assessing, and enhancing retention. I believe technology does all this and more. By bringing technology into classrooms and advancing the way students learn it opens a whole new world of information. But it also opens up many issues of ethics and whats appropriate. A blog is a great way to get opinions out there and share them, it also is a great way to give information to students in a class as well. This particular blog was made to show that I knew technology, could navigate my way around and I could share a blog with my fellow students. I then used it for a class to show information about privacy and technology. With the use of Gagne's theory in this blog I have given information to the reader to get their attention. I gave subjects to read on for objectives, and it also makes them look back on what they have learned already and take some of the new information as well. I also believe this theory works for me as well. Because with this class now I have to look back at prior learning experiences and bring something new to them. Here is an example of Gagne's Theory in chart form.
I found this via Wikipedia and I liked the layout. Just to give a little more information of the theory and why I chose it for this weeks assignment.
This assignment didn't seem to challenging to me this time. Because it's all about ethical practices I felt something posted on the internet that could obtain personal information was the best way to go. The only real challenge was it couldn't really be adjusted or redesigned because it is what it is. But I felt it was a great way to show that information can be put on the internet by anyone and if the person isn't careful their information could be taken and then it becomes an ethical issue. Technology is a very forward thing in our lives, but if not used properly it can hurt the user. It's important when we are teaching our students about using things like blogs, wiki's, webcams, chat rooms, and social networking that information given on there is now public knowledge. Even if one thinks they are safe and have security it's still possible for viral predators to access the information. Thats why it's important to not share to much when posting blogs, or videos, or even when using social networking like Facebook or Twitter.