Thursday, June 7, 2012

This weeks topics

So I am going to try and be good about keeping up with each weeks topic in class. This week was privacy when it comes to social networking sites like Facebook. The questions where should a teacher or educator be punished for something they post on Facebook if they think it is private? I guess my biggest thing with this is if you know how to use the site and know your settings are private then do it at your own risk. But as a teacher I would never post anything about a student or the place I work with that is negative. It's just asking for trouble as far as I am concerned. And if you don't like your place of employment or think it's terrible then leave and find somewhere else. It's pretty easy to change your place in life and I understand that social networking is the new fad and it's cool to post every move you make and what you are feeling, but keep somethings private people!!

This is the article I had to read for class this week.

EDU 697 Edit: I am not certain this goes to what is being discussed except to say that again just be careful what is posted on social networking sites, you never know who is going to see it. Just because you make your site private doesn't mean you don't have a friend of a friend who showed someone else who know your boss. Sounds confusing but it is very possible. I can give an example of myself. Not to long ago, Halloween of this year to be exact. Where I work now doesn't celebrate all holiday's and I love Halloween. I was sad that is wasn't a big deal and posted it on my Facebook. Well it got back to my employers and I still don't know how. They considered it an ethical issue because I was posting about work on my site. Thankfully nothing ever came of it and I deleted the post, but it shows no matter how private you think you make things, its possible to still be seen. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

My Wiki Learning Activity

This I am sure is a work in progress, but it's coming along great. This PBWorks is pretty user friendly and seems to work well with what I am doing with it. Hopefully all is right on this.

EDU 697 Edit: Here we had to build a Wiki for a hypothetical class and give information. I enjoyed doing this but I found it was easy for things to be changed and others could add information to the Wiki. This could bring up ethical issues because someone could take the learning assignment and use it as their own, or they could add misinformation to the Wiki and lead the learners the wrong way. Because wiki's are easy to change and add to this could bring up issues of things being plagiarized or stolen or just putting un-ethical information on a wiki site.

My Twitter account

So for my class I also have to do a twitter account and I will soon be attaching a wiki to this as well. So I am not certain how fun this will be to read, but it has been a learning experience.

follow @nybutterfly2009

EDU 697 Edit: Because this class was all about social networking we had to create a twitter account. I had never used Twitter until this class, and I will honestly say I haven't been back sense. I did share some information about my self because I gave the Twitter handle. But Ethically I stayed on subject and didn't put to much information that could be taken and used the wrong way. This could get out of hand if someone was posting negative things about other students or teachers. Social networking has become very popular over the last few years and it seems many can't survive without it, and sometimes they don't think twice about what they share. Just because what you are saying may not effect any of your followers or friends doesn't mean it wont hurt someone else.

I made a blog!!

Making and creating this blog was not hard at all. I did have an advantage that I already had a google account and didn't need to do much. I clicked the create a bog, had to name it and then I was able to move along. I would have to say my biggest challenge was what font I wanted to use and if I was going to add pictures or color to it.

Edu 697 Edit:
   Here is the start of my blog, I did not give to much information and kept right to the subject I was posting about.